A blog post with evening meditation by Regina Kail-Urban
The good old trick of counting sheep – it can work. I remember exciting days in my childhood, many experiences, competitions or a nature-connecting day of hiking with the class and then in the evening: instead of falling into bed from exhaustion, this pleasant excitement. Then the tip from my grandmother, who wanted to have some peace and quiet while doing art embroidery late in the evening, came in handy: thirty white and black sheep hopping over a wooden fence and I was in dreamland.
Later, as a model and presenter, I traveled a lot - the unfamiliar surroundings of constantly changing hotel rooms, the irregular lifestyle, a lot of tension and excitement were not exactly conducive to a regenerating sleep. The sheep were of no use, no matter how sweetly they hopped - in my imagination.
I know the sleepless nights, never-ending thoughts and then tired eyes and a bad mood in the morning.
Today - so many years later, I have learned, understood, internalized and pass it on to my clients in seminars and training courses with practical approaches, especially from yoga and Ayurveda:
There doesn't have to be long periods of not falling asleep.

I'm thinking of the demanding yet wonderful nights with babies, small children, tension before an exam, before important decisions or deadlines...
A closer look becomes an issue when these phases last too long: So getting up in the morning is increasingly difficult, it's no use setting two alarm clocks - you ignore both if you keep waking up at night over a long period of time and rolling around in bed - then it's time and helpful to start not at night - but during the day!
Here is a checklist for better sleep:
Take breaks during the day
Regardless of whether you are overwhelmed or under-challenged – breaks and pause are important and allowed. And if it's a quick walk to the window - look out, take three deep breaths in and out. Listen consciously to your favorite song, enjoy a good cup of tea, have an encouraging conversation/friendly exchange with a colleague/friend every now and then. Find out what briefly gives you joy – and do more of it!
Rhythm of life and rituals
A regulated sleep comes from a regulated rhythm during the day - exceptions such as celebrations or similar are of course allowed. This should in no way be seen as a brake on fun - those who stick to a structure get more leeway, security and can say goodbye to the day better and therefore simply sleep better.
When do I get up? What morning rituals do I have that serve me? This is not about having a coffee or two and reading the newspaper.
What can I do to start the day in a relaxed way - get some air, do some morning exercise, maybe write down a few sentences about my day today - what do I want to grow in, who do I want to give something to (time, attention, understanding), what do I need from myself today (less perfection, a meal in peace, a walk now and then, support from someone in a specific matter?) Make things easier/easier for yourself during the day - then you'll slip into sleep more easily.
You sleep like you eat
Is our day (our system) full of appointments, too much tension, too many stimulating, burdensome foods: such as coffee, green tea, too much salt or hot spices, excessive consumption of dairy products/sweets, carbon dioxide, energy drinks, heavy in the... Meals on the stomach in the last two hours before going to bed - the sheep can jump for hours and faster and faster - sleep will not come, will be restless or will not have the desired effect.
Invite sleep
Make the evening as pleasant as possible, quiet, ideally at least an hour before going to bed without TV/tablet/phone - because all the stimuli get your brain going and serotonin production (responsible for drive and a good mood in the morning) is inhibited. Instead of resting, your brain not only processes the impressions from during the day - but also the new impressions - the logical consequence: sleep has to wait.
Instead, focus on this:
What do you wear to sleep – do you feel comfortable in it? Pleasant, high-quality materials on your skin – keyword pajamas, bed linen, duvets, pillows. What about the light sources in the room, the pictures - what do you need - what do you no longer need? Anything that causes unrest can be removed from the sleeping area.
End the day
Allow yourself to close the day. With a smile to you or the person lying next to you in bed. The sentence – lovingly recited several times in silence: “Everything is done, I am calm and deserve my sleep” can have an effect. Just like all techniques (practiced regularly!) that lead to calmer breathing, bring physical balance and thus invite the much-quoted “letting go”.
For a restful sleep - every night, so that the tired sheep don't have to jump around for hours.
Guided evening meditation for beginners
Are you ready to “let go” and invite sleep? Then this guided evening meditation is just the thing:
Evening meditation beginners exactly